Bottle-feeding Consultation - Twins (one plan - same issue)

$632.40 AUD
Daily email 'check-in' option (Support non-refundable if not used)

* Not for Tube Weaning.

Please carefully review our policies below, prior to booking.

Daily email 'check-in' option

The email review option offers clients a convenient daily check-in via email for the selected duration, ensuring they receive personalized feedback and guidance tailored to their unique needs.

Unless otherwise agreed to between yourself and your consultant at the time of your appointment, support days are to be used as follows:

·   One email check in per day - for review of videos, feeding logs, overview of progress.

·   must be used within a two week period following the date of your consultation; and,

·   to be used as consecutive days.

·   Support days are non-refundable.

If the support days are not used within the 2 week period, they will be forfeited. This is largely because our consultants restrict the number of consultations each day, to accommodate support for their clients and support time is allocated to each day. Only in the event that a consultation is cancelled will support be refunded.

Support days are to be used for the issue consultation is booked. If any new issues, a consultation for relevant issue will be required.

Please note: Our company operates internationally, catering to clients across various time zones. While there may be occasional delays in email responses due time differences, we are committed to providing responses in a timely manner.

If you feel that you are needing more support, please email us and we can tailor a plan for you.


More than 48 hours notice:

If you decide to cancel your appointment, you will have the option of a refund or reschedule. For all cancellations, a $30USD fee will be deducted to cover administration costs/ bank fees. Support days will be refunded in full

Less than 48 hours notice:

We will refund the full amount minus a late cancellation fee of $100USD to cover our consultant's time and administration costs/ bank fees. Support days will be refunded in full

Less than 24 hours notice:

We will refund the 50% of the consultation fee to cover our consultant's time and administration costs/ bank fees. Support days will be refunded in full.

No shows/ unable to proceed at time of call:

No refunds will be provided.


We reserve the right to cancel an appointment if we do not receive a questionnaire at least 48 hours of your scheduled consultation, as our consultations are based on your answers in your questionnaire. We will make all attempts to remind you to complete the questionnaire. For cancellations due to not receiving a questionnaire a cancellation fee of $100USD will be deducted from the refund. Please ensure the accuracy of your email address when placing your booking.

Online Program + Consultation booking

For online program + consultation bundles, if consultation is cancelled, the program will revert to full rate of $79USD and remainder will be refunded. If cancelled prior to 48 hours a cancellation fee will also apply.

A consultation with one of our consultants can assist you in identifying and resolving bottle feeding problems. The knowledge gained will enable you to recognize how to encourage your baby to love bottle-feeding. You then get to cherish this special time together, confident in the knowledge that you are providing for his/her nutritional and emotional needs.


Bottle-feeding aversion/ Bottle refusal

◦ Breastfed baby refusing bottle

◦ Babies that choke and gag when feeding

◦ Babies that feed more during night

◦ Babies that are always hungry

◦ Babies that only drink small amounts

◦ Babies that only feed when drowsy/ asleep

◦ Plus many more bottle-feeding issues...

The power to fix your baby's feeding refusal, lies in your hands. You just need to learn how. We have the knowledge and experience to guide you.

What's included:

1. Questionnaire - Assessment

Once you have booked a consultation, you will receive a confirmation email that includes a link to an online questionnaire.

2. Video

After reading your answers to the questionnaire, your consultant might request to see a video of your baby feeding.

3. Discussion

Your consultant will contact you at the scheduled time via the communication method of your choice. This part of the consultation process generally takes about an hour.  Your baby does not need to be present during this conversation.

4. Individualized plan

As soon as possible following the discussion, your consultant will send you a written plan. This includes the information discussed, plus links to online articles that you may find helpful.

5. Optional Support Days (not included in 'Consultation only')

We have various email support options available for purchase. If purchasing email support at time of consultation, it is for consecutive days and for the same issue. Please see terms and conditions for support days.


How successful is the program?

Very! But only if all other causes of feeding refusal and fussy feeding behavior have been either ruled out or remedied before starting the program. And only if the parent strictly follows my feeding rules and recommendations, which took Rowena over 10 years to refine. 

Based on over 3000 cases where Rowena provided bottle-feeding aversion consultations—which helped the parents to rule out other potential causes and clarify their understanding of the feeding rules, the success rate was around 95 percent. Of those who did not succeed, most admitted that high anxiety levels prevented them from following Rowena's feeding rules and recommendations.


How long does it take to resolve a feeding aversion?

Typically it takes approximately 2 weeks for a feeding aversion to resolve, some babies more, some babies less. It is largely dependent on how consistently you stick to the rules, how long a baby has had a feeding aversion, temperament of a baby, as well as other factors.


My doctor said babies are too young to develop a feeding aversion. Why would he say this if it’s not true?  

Your doctor undoubtedly believes this is the case. But believing something doesn’t exist doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.   

All of the doctors, which included many pediatricians, who consulted with me regarding their baby’s feeding aversion—there have been many—claim they were not taught about infant feeding aversions or other behavioral problems that commonly affect normal developing, healthy babies’ feeding or sleeping, during their medical training.  

You are the one who feeds your baby every day. What you believe is what matters the most, because it’s the actions that you take, or don’t take, as a consequence of what you believe that will cause your healthy baby’s current feeding behavior to repeat or change.    


How do I know if this program is suitable for my baby?

Our feeding aversion program promotes baby-led feeding practices. Baby-led feeding practices are suitable for all healthy babies who are achieving all milestones expected for their stage of development, and who have the physical ability to safely feed from a bottle, regardless of whether they are averse to feeding or not.

The recommended infant feeding practices will not only fix a feeding aversion that has been caused or reinforced by being pressured to feed, but they will also prevent a healthy baby from developing an aversion for this reason because all pressure is removed.


Can this program work for a baby that has been exclusively breastfed?

Yes, a  neurologically healthy baby can learn to bottle feed even if they have never done so before. Bottle refusal is common if a bottle hasn't been introduced before 12 weeks of age. Causes for bottle refusal in breastfed babies are vastly different to those of a bottle-feeding aversion. Identifying the causes of bottle refusal, is vital to determine the types of strategies to be used.


How can I be sure my baby is not experiencing pain during feeding?

Conditions that cause babies pain while feeding, such as acid reflux, milk protein allergy, mouth ulcers, sore throat, do not solely affect feeding. The pain associated with these conditions will also cause a baby discomfort or pain between feeds. A baby experiencing discomfort or pain will fuss or cry without the parent’s constant attention to soothe. He may also have bouts of inconsolable crying (where he can’t be soothed) both during the day and the night. Pain would also make it hard for him to fall asleep and stay asleep.

The distress that feeding-averse babies display is typically assumed to be due to pain by parents and health professionals alike. However, upon further questioning, most parents of feeding-averse babies claim their baby is happy except when feeding, or that he sleeps well at night, or feeds well in a drowsy state or asleep or when distracted. Such behavior would not occur if a baby was suffering from pain because of a physical problem or medical condition.


Could doing this program harm my baby?

Our feeding aversion program includes baby-led bottle-feeding practices that teach parents to feed their baby in a way that demonstrates respect for their baby's right to decide when and how much to eat and trust in their healthy baby's inborn ability to self-regulate his dietary intake to meet his growth and energy needs—which is something all neurologically healthy babies can do. Plus, feeding rules are specifically directed at removing direct and indirect reinforcements of a baby's feeding aversion. And feeding recommendations to increase the chances of a successful resolution of a baby's feeding aversion. How could such feeding practices harm a healthy baby?

Admittedly, the process of resolving a baby’s feeding aversion will involve a reduction in his milk intake in the short term. There will be times when he is hungry and refuses to eat or chooses to eat very little. Despite this decrease in milk intake being the baby's choice, it can be unsettling for him. It will also be anxiety-producing for his parents to trust in the process.

The drop in milk intake, irritability and sleep disturbance a baby might experience during the process of resolving his feeding aversion is no worse, and less so, compared to what babies experience as a result of reduced appetite when they are sick.


Can we do the program if there is more than 1 feeding our baby?

It can, provided all caregivers strictly follow the feeding rules. I have seen some feeding-averse babies get over their aversion while being fed by four different people during the program.

However, be aware that the more people there are feeding your baby during the program, the longer it can take. Your baby will need to learn to trust that all caregivers will respond appropriately to his signs of rejection by removing the bottle and taking him out of a feeding position.

If multiple caregivers are unavoidable, don’t let that prevent you from solving your baby’s feeding aversion. But try to have just one person providing all feeds for the first three days, which is the time you are watching for signs of improvement to decide if the program is working. The delay in progress that occurs as a result of having multiple caregivers feeding your baby during the first few days could cause you to have doubts about the program working, and you might give up without giving your baby the chance to get over his feeding aversion. You may not see the expected signs of improvement by the end of Day until around Day 5.


How can I tell if tongue tie or other sucking problems are the cause?

If a baby has a structural problem, such as tongue-tie, cleft palate, or other physical feature that might make it hard for him to feed, or functional problem, which can occur as a result of neurological impairment or facial nerve damage caused by birth trauma, he could experience difficulties latching to the nipple, sucking effectively or safely swallowing. This would be evident from the first time he breast- or bottle-feeds. He would experience difficulties at all feeds.

A tongue-tie does not necessarily restrict tongue movement. Many babies, children, and adults have some degree of tongue-tie without it negatively impacting on feeding or speech development.

If your baby has a history of feeding well, or he feeds well at some feeds, or feeds well when in a drowsy state or while sleeping, or feeds well while distracted or entertained, or he drinks water from a bottle without a problem, then a tongue-tie or other sucking problem is highly unlikely to be responsible for the appearance of uncoordinated sucking when feeding while awake. In these instances, the impression that a baby is experiencing sucking difficulties could be conflicted feeding behavior which is commonly associated with a feeding aversion.


Can my baby do the program at a time that he's having post tongue-tie release stretches?

The stretching exercises recommend after tongue-tie release involve placing your fingers into your baby’s mouth (usually without his permission) and lifting his tongue to open the wound and prevent the raw edges from re-adhering. Doing this would likely upset your baby and could reinforce his feeding aversion. Therefore, it would be better to wait until the stretching exercises are no longer required before starting the program.


My baby is currently unwell, can we still do the program?

Any illness can cause reduced appetite and increased risk of dehydration. Baby needs to be physically well to do the feeding aversion program.


What if my baby is due for vaccinations during the program?

Vaccinations are notorious for adversely affecting a baby's appetite for several days, resulting in a drop in his total daily milk intake.

Ideally, you would plan to have scheduled vaccinations at least 5 days before starting the program or after completing the program. If your baby is due for vaccinations during the program, discuss with his doctor whether it would be okay to postpone these until he is over his aversion. If not possible to delay, then proceed.

Having vaccinations during the program won’t stop your baby from getting over his feeding aversion. Just be prepared for a drop in his total daily milk intake and decline in behavioral ratings for three to five days and avoid pressuring him to eat.

How long does it take to resolve a feeding aversion?

Typically it takes approximately 2 weeks for a feeding aversion to resolve, some babies more, some babies less. It is largely dependent on how consistently you stick to the rules, how long a baby has had a feeding aversion, temperament of a baby, as well as other factors.

My doctor said babies are too young to develop a feeding aversion. Why would they say this if it’s not true?

Your doctor undoubtedly believes this is the case. But believing something doesn’t exist doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.   

All of the doctors, which included many pediatricians, who consulted with me regarding their baby’s feeding aversion—there have been many—claim they were not taught about infant feeding aversions or other behavioral problems that commonly affect normal developing, healthy babies’ feeding or sleeping, during their medical training.  

You are the one who feeds your baby every day. What you believe is what matters the most, because it’s the actions that you take, or don’t take, as a consequence of what you believe that will cause your healthy baby’s current feeding behavior to repeat or change.

How do I know if this program is suitable for my baby?

Our feeding aversion program promotes baby-led feeding practices. Baby-led feeding practices are suitable for all healthy babies who are achieving all milestones expected for their stage of development, and who have the physical ability to safely feed from a bottle, regardless of whether they are averse to feeding or not.

The recommended infant feeding practices will not only fix a feeding aversion that has been caused or reinforced by being pressured to feed, but they will also prevent a healthy baby from developing an aversion for this reason because all pressure is removed.

Can this program work for a baby that has been exclusively breastfed?

Yes, a  neurologically healthy baby can learn to bottle feed even if they have never done so before. Bottle refusal is common if a bottle hasn't been introduced before 12 weeks of age. Causes for bottle refusal in breastfed babies are vastly different to those of a bottle-feeding aversion. Identifying the causes of bottle refusal, is vital to determine the types of strategies to be used.

Could doing this program harm my baby?

Our feeding aversion program includes baby-led bottle-feeding practices that teach parents to feed their baby in a way that demonstrates respect for their baby's right to decide when and how much to eat and trust in their healthy baby's inborn ability to self-regulate his dietary intake to meet his growth and energy needs—which is something all neurologically healthy babies can do. Plus, feeding rules are specifically directed at removing direct and indirect reinforcements of a baby's feeding aversion. And feeding recommendations to increase the chances of a successful resolution of a baby's feeding aversion. How could such feeding practices harm a healthy baby?

Admittedly, the process of resolving a baby’s feeding aversion will involve a reduction in his milk intake in the short term. There will be times when he is hungry and refuses to eat or chooses to eat very little. Despite this decrease in milk intake being the baby's choice, it can be unsettling for him. It will also be anxiety-producing for his parents to trust in the process.

The drop in milk intake, irritability and sleep disturbance a baby might experience during the process of resolving his feeding aversion is no worse, and less so, compared to what babies experience as a result of reduced appetite when they are sick.

Can we do the program if there is more than 1 feeding our baby?

It can, provided all caregivers strictly follow the feeding rules. I have seen some feeding-averse babies get over their aversion while being fed by four different people during the program.

However, be aware that the more people there are feeding your baby during the program, the longer it can take. Your baby will need to learn to trust that all caregivers will respond appropriately to his signs of rejection by removing the bottle and taking him out of a feeding position.

If multiple caregivers are unavoidable, don’t let that prevent you from solving your baby’s feeding aversion. But try to have just one person providing all feeds for the first three days, which is the time you are watching for signs of improvement to decide if the program is working. The delay in progress that occurs as a result of having multiple caregivers feeding your baby during the first few days could cause you to have doubts about the program working, and you might give up without giving your baby the chance to get over his feeding aversion. You may not see the expected signs of improvement by the end of Day until around Day 5.

How can I tell if tongue tie or other sucking problems are the cause?

If a baby has a structural problem, such as tongue-tie, cleft palate, or other physical feature that might make it hard for him to feed, or functional problem, which can occur as a result of neurological impairment or facial nerve damage caused by birth trauma, he could experience difficulties latching to the nipple, sucking effectively or safely swallowing. This would be evident from the first time he breast- or bottle-feeds. He would experience difficulties at all feeds.

A tongue-tie does not necessarily restrict tongue movement. Many babies, children, and adults have some degree of tongue-tie without it negatively impacting on feeding or speech development.

If your baby has a history of feeding well, or he feeds well at some feeds, or feeds well when in a drowsy state or while sleeping, or feeds well while distracted or entertained, or he drinks water from a bottle without a problem, then a tongue-tie or other sucking problem is highly unlikely to be responsible for the appearance of uncoordinated sucking when feeding while awake. In these instances, the impression that a baby is experiencing sucking difficulties could be conflicted feeding behavior which is commonly associated with a feeding aversion.

Can my baby do the program at a time that he's having post tongue-tie release stretches?

The stretching exercises recommend after tongue-tie release involve placing your fingers into your baby’s mouth (usually without his permission) and lifting his tongue to open the wound and prevent the raw edges from re-adhering. Doing this would likely upset your baby and could reinforce his feeding aversion. Therefore, it would be better to wait until the stretching exercises are no longer required before starting the program.

My baby is currently unwell, can we still do the program?

Any illness can cause reduced appetite and increased risk of dehydration. Baby needs to be physically well to do the feeding aversion program.

What if my baby is due for vaccinations during the program?

Vaccinations are notorious for adversely affecting a baby's appetite for several days, resulting in a drop in his total daily milk intake.

Ideally, you would plan to have scheduled vaccinations at least 5 days before starting the program or after completing the program. If your baby is due for vaccinations during the program, discuss with his doctor whether it would be okay to postpone these until he is over his aversion. If not possible to delay, then proceed.

Having vaccinations during the program won’t stop your baby from getting over his feeding aversion. Just be prepared for a drop in his total daily milk intake and decline in behavioral ratings for three to five days and avoid pressuring him to eat.

Rowena Bennett's Online Bottle-Feeding Aversion Program

Rowena's online Bottle-Feeding Aversion Program is broken down into short, bite size pieces; with real-life video examples, providing the solution you need to overcome your baby's bottle-feeding aversion.


Want to know if a bottle-feeding consultation is right for you?